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Community Resilience and Climate Change Workshop


Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - 13:30 to 16:30



The Platinum Lounge, North Stand, Halliwell Jones Stadium, Warrington, WA2 7NE


Dawn Woods, DCLG, on : 030 344 8021 or 07766 474688


Book your place

CLASP is hosting a workshop on behalf of: The Department for Environment food and Rural Affairs (Defra); Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat (CCS); Department for Communities and Local Government, Resilience and Emergencies Division (DCLG RED); and Local Resilience Forums.

This workshop will be showcasing some of the initiatives that have developed from the recent Defra Community Resilience, Climate Change grants, a significant number of which were secured by NW partnerships, and could be transferable to other areas. 

In addition one or two of the projects that were recently successful in securing funding to deliver the Defra Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder scheme will be on hand to talk about their work. 

The workshop will also be an opportunity to meet with representatives from DCLG, Defra, Cabinet Office and local LRFs.  And will provide opportunity to start to explore ideas for supporting LRFs at the strategic level to facilitate and promote community resilience.


This workshop is part of a series and similar sessions are also taking place on:

·         13th May 2013, 10am to 1pm at New Town Hall, Weston-super- Mare BS231UJ

·         16th May, 10am to 1pm at London SE1 2EE



To Book Your Place

To book please email:

·         Please be sure to state clearly that you wish to attend the Warrington session

·         Please include your name, organisation & job title