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Low Carbon Planning Support Pack

This pack has been developed as part of the CLASP technical support and training programme for North West local planning authorities, delivered by Envirolink, Quantum Strategy and Technology and AECOM in the first six months of 2011.

It consists of strategic and technical reference guides and case studies, which are designed to promote best practice and assist planners and sustainability officers effectively implement climate change and low carbon policies, and confidently assess planning applications for low carbon and renewable energy proposals.

You can download the separate sections of the document that make up this pack by clicking on the links below:



An introduction to the Low Carbon Technical Support Resource Pack


Reference Guides for Planners


No. 1: North West planning policy review

No. 2: Renewable energy and climate change guidance, resources and useful information



No. 3: Energy statement and carbon calculation Pack

No. 4: Meeting the North West’s renewable electricity targets

No. 5: Building Mounted Wind

No. 6: Small Wind

No. 7: Medium – large wind

No. 8: Micro Hydro

No. 9: Solar Thermal

No. 10: Solar PV

No. 11: Heat pumps

No. 12: Biomass

No. 13: CHP

No. 14: District heating



Planning Practice Case Studies

No 1: Hyndburn wind farm, a proactive approach to development management

No. 2: Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council planning for a low carbon future



Low Carbon Case Studies

No. 1: Uclan non-domestic solar PV and CHP

No. 2: Retrofitting renewables in an Edwardian manor house

No. 3: Small wind at Spring Farm Business Centre

No. 4: St Mary’s District Heat Network, Oldham



Additional Documents

CLASP Coaching Service: Response summary report

Envirolink Northwest: Planning Guidance Note on Energy from Waste Technologies

The Mersey Forest: Renewable Heat and biomass summary